Thursday, February 28, 2013

Clothespin birthday calendar

I honestly don't remember where I got the idea for this calendar.  It wasn't pinterest though, as it was before pinterest was even around.

The idea is simple, a plaque with 12 ribbons, one for each month.  Each person has a clothespin with their name, and the date of their birthday, which is then clipped on the month.

I started with a blank wood 12" plaque purchased at Hobby Lobby.  I then glued a backing paper on it, and then letters (using Cricut's "All Mixed Up" cartridge), then mod podged the whole thing.  After that I hot glued the ribbon hanger (two 18" pieces of ribbon twisted together) and the 12 ribbons (12", with a daub of mod podge to seal the bottom end) for the months.  I used acrylic paint and a fine tipped brush to put the name of each month at the bottom of the ribbon.  The clothes pins were "mini" sized (as opposed to "regular" or "tiny." Regular are just too large, and tiny doesn't have enough room to write names), and I wrote on them with a sharpie pen.

It's a very simple, rather cute solution to the problem of trying to remember too many birthdays.